Charging Phone Overnight Should you Do It

Charging Phone Overnight Should you Do It?

If you also keep your phone on night charging, are you also afraid that your phone will be damaged or your battery will be damaged or your phone will explode? In this article, I will tell you what are the disadvantages of this.

If we go back a few years. So these phones had a cell-like battery. If we do not charge these batteries for a few days. So this battery would consider the same percentage as its full battery. When we were charging this battery. So it would get hot and explode.

But nowadays the phone that has come. They use a very good battery. Smartphones have one such option. After turning it on, if you keep the phone charged overnight. Even so, your battery is not damaged.


This function works when your phone’s battery is full. So it will turn on automatically. Then your battery will stop charging. And your phone will now get power from charging.

So when you look at your phone in the morning, your phone’s battery is full. That’s why today’s smartphones don’t go bad.


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